Empowering Latinos at every level

LULAC is the oldest and most widely respected Hispanic civil rights organization in the U.S.

3 Districts

13 Councils

1 LNESC Educational Center


Our Mission

Our mission is to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States.


Education Programs

Through key education program initiatives and strategic policy advocacy, LULAC is helping advance the educational attainment of Hispanics. LULAC’s cornerstone education programs are increasing academic achievement, graduation rates, and higher education pursuance for students across the country.

Civic Engagement

LULAC serves a rapidly growing immigrant community, we understand the importance of ensuring a successful transition into active, educated new citizens. LULAC is investing in programs that offer citizenship application assistance, and provide civics and citizenship education.


LULAC’s technology programs create positive exchanges in Hispanic communities by providing access to state-of-the-art computer technology to narrow the digital divide. Our programs provide digital literacy training and tools in order to do school work, job training, job inquiries, money management, English language courses, citizenship preparation courses and more.

Women's Empowerment

LULAC’s women’s empowerment programming seeks to train, motivate, and empower women to become leaders in all aspects of their lives. LULAC provides women across the country with tools and resources to help them succeed in various aspects of their lives.


A comprehensive approach designed to reach Latinos across the United States and Puerto Rico to address health disparities in our communities.

Economic Empowerment

From military service, farming and entrepreneurship to holding key roles in multinational corporations, Latinos have long played an integral role in shaping our nation’s economy, innovating across various sectors, strengthening the fabric of our diverse workforce, and serving as the backbone of our economic infrastructure.

Join Us

LULAC is second to none as the leading advocate for issues affecting Hispanic Americans.